Friday, September 17, 2010

A Blog from Memory Lane

So, remember that thing called myspace?? Ya know, used to be big like six years ago? Then facebook came along and punched it in the face? And then the only way it could fight back was to become super trashy? Which only attracted maybe 2% of the population, and then encouraged the rest of us to get off of there and away from those people as fast as we could?

Maybe that's just my experience.

Well the other day I was remembering that I blogged all about this funny beauty pageant in Washington on my myspace blog, and I was like, "shoot! I wonder if I can even still log onto there?"

So today, I finally remembered to look into it, and four password attempts later, I made it in. Looks like I still have a myspace account! And more importantly, looks like I still have my myspace blog!

Reading it was such a huge blast from the past, and I have to give myself credit-- it's way funny! And even a little deep at times... Well, that could just be my biased opinion, but if you'd like to judge for yourself:

Please especially read "Carbonation is bad for you" (which seems to be a recurring lesson in my life). It is me, late at night, wide awake due to a Red Bull intoxication. Hillarity ensues.

Well, in the words of my 2006 self,

"Give my regards to Broadway,

p.s. And no comments about my chubby face please! Some of those pictures are from the post-Disneyworld/Freshman 15 phase of my life which luckily only lasted about six months, and that was long enough... you might even be able to notice that a few of my friends were slightly suffering from it as well... haha, at least we could all commiserate.

*** Update: Sorry, I didn't realize that link wasn't working... it should work now. I think.

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