Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Thoughts on Salad, Lakes and Tootsie Rolls

I like tomatoes in salad. I like strawberries in salad. I do not like tomatoes and strawberries in the same salad.

Utah Lake is impossible to find. Sean and I tried to drive to the shore last night (I remembered from high school somewhere by Springville where people would have bon fires...must be gone now?) and about an hour and several scary roads later, we gave up. The night wasn't a complete loss though-- we saw the tiniest baby deer, a baby kitty, and a huge owl. I hadn't ever seen an owl in Utah, so that was neat. I'm a little sad Sean wouldn't let me pet the deer though. He claims it would've just ran away from me when I got out of the car, but obviously he forgets that I used to be a Disney princess.

Oh, and FYI, 'Lake Shore' signs, off of the Springville exit, are not in fact signs directing you to the lake shore. Apparently it's a place. I don't think that's fair.

A few days ago, I suspected someone of stealing tootsie rolls out of my candy jar at work, so I went Harriet the Spy on them and left a hair on top of the lid. That way, I would know if it'd been tampered with. Real slick, I know. The next day, after having eaten a few tootsies, I remembered my plan. The hair, of course, was already gone, moved most likely by me. So the next day I tried it again, leaving a post-it note to remember to check on the tootsie jar. Came to work, and.... five hours and oh, 12 tootsie rolls later, I noticed the post it note. Again, I had spoiled my perfect plan. So at the end of the third day, I counted how many tootsies were left (at this point, only 7) and wrote down that number. Came to work the next day to find.... seven tootsie rolls. Now, you might think this means no one was stealing tootsie rolls. But I think they knew I was getting suspicious.

I need more tootsie rolls.


  1. Hi Tiff! Can we be blog friends??
    I loved The Case of the Tootsie Rolls, seriously I think your culprit was getting suspicious. I always used to put scotch tape on my door to make sure none of my siblings were going into my room. I never caught anybody and I'm pretty sure the tape would just unstick rather than break like I was planning. The hair idea is good though. I'm totally using that one on Isaac. I don't know how, but I'll think of something.

  2. There is a way you can see when you get comments without having to check your blog every hour! You go to your Dashboard (the first screen that comes up after you log in) click on Settings, find Comments in the underlined blue words at the top of the screen, and then go all the way to the last option on the screen that says Comment Notification Email. Just type your email address in there and you'll get an email every time someone comments! Don't ask me how I figured that out- I did it a loooong time ago.

    And, duh, your blog is so cute! I love it! So keep them coming, because I totally love to read it. See you Thursday!
