Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cadbury Chocolate Strawberries

So I've realized that to become a legit blogger, I need to A) Post Recipes, B) Post Cutesy Tutorials, and C)Post more than once every three months.

Well, I'm not making any promises about B & C, but I do have a recipe that I love that I would like to share. I call it:



-Cadbury Mini Eggs

Step 1) Take a bite of a strawberry.
Step 2) Eat a chocolate mini egg.
Step 3) Take a bite of a strawberry.
Step 4) Eat a chocolate mini egg.

* Repeat until strawberries &/or chocolate mini eggs are gone.
Bon Appetit!

I also call this Lazy Man's Chocolate-Covered Strawberries. But seriously-- you don't have to worry about burning your chocolate, making a mess with the chocolate, waiting for the chocolate to cool, you can control your chocolate-to-strawberry ratios perfectly -- it's a win win!

What's that you say? You don't have any cadbury chocolate mini eggs? Well, maybe you should have stocked up during Easter like I did... I hope you've learned your lesson. But lucky for you, (and me), Christmas Candy is coming soon!

 (and yes, I am fully aware of my mini egg problem.)


  1. Mini eggs are probably my absolute favorite. Not probably. They just are.

  2. Well that handy little stock-up tip would have been a lot handier about 6 months ago. Although I'm not sure what a six-month supply might look like around here ... scary.
